Stray Sock Sewing

23 May

I bought this book two weeks ago when I wasn’t feeling very well and it kept me amused for two days off school and I am itching to have another go at making stuff when I get a spare moment. The idea of the book is that you can make awesome soft toys from the odd socks that end up lying around the house. It’s a bit of a con as blatantly everything in the book has been made using nice shiny new socks but the ideas are brilliant.

You can make everything from a sock piggy through to a strange looking zebra/horse. The instructions are really clear and easy to follow and you quickly pick up the basics allowing you to try your own ideas.

A technicolour zebra

Some people might find it slightly annoying that over half the book is made up of pictures of different sock toys that are then not explained in the actual doing part of the book. For me it made for a brilliant motivation and idea bank, making me want to get stuck in and have a go. It makes for a rather cute book as well as the pictures really are rather fun.

If you want to give sock toys a go I would definitely recommend this book as a starting point. I must have liked it as I have ordered the follow up, Stray Sock Sewing Too!

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