
27 Oct

Wow, it’s been a while since I posted! Things have been a little hectic and due to get more hectic in about five months as I am expecting. With this in mind Andy and I decided to decorate the spare bedroom to make a nursery. We decided on a lovely yellow colour and then wanted to add a nice feature wall. As I’ve said before I love owls so it was decided an owl in a tree was needed.

After a quick search on the Internet and pinterest an inspiration picture was found and we were ready to start.

I sketched out the trunk and branches with chalk and then carefully painted these on. Next we decided we wanted to add some texture so got five different green papers and using a template cut out over 100 paper leaves which were then stuck on with sticky tape.

Finally I drew a pattern and created an owl using felt which was hand sewn together. I then stuck it to a piece of card and used sticky fixers to attach it to the wall.


We are really pleased with the final result, what do you think?

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