Tag Archives: Socks

Sock monsters update

12 Sep

I thought I would update with a picture of some of the sock creations my class have been busy with. I will try and get another picture when a few more are finished.


Sock monsters

31 Aug

We are having a market day at school and each class is having a stall of things to sell. I decided to try sock monster making with my class.

I picked a relatively simple pattern and we have been slowly working on our creations. I’m loving the fact that although we started with the same pattern our monsters are all looking very different. It’s been lots of fun sewing with my class if a little stressful at times. I have discovered that the skill everyone needs to learn is starting and finishing a thread!

I was particularly impressed when my VERY sporty boys decided a lunchtime in sewing was better than running about outside! I have definitely seen sewing skills improving. I am definitely inspired to do more sewing and already have plans forming for next year.

The classroom fun has rekindled my love of sock softie making and I have been creating some monsters of my own! (with a little help from Stray Sock Sewing). Below is a picture of one of my latest creations.

So teachers don’t be afraid to have a go at sewing with your class, the results are pretty cool and it can be lots of fun.
